Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Self Love!

At every point of life we love ourselves. Everyone actually loves only themselves. If someone says that they love someone else more than themselves, then it’s a very big lie. When we talk about husband and wife relation, there also, each of them loves one another just for their own happiness, both mentally and physically. Parents love their kids as they become happy if they see their kids are happy. Students love teachers when they have gained enormous knowledge from them, that way if you closely observe any kind of love in this world you can see that self love would be the main motive behind any acts of love. That way everyone loves to be pampered and cared by the ones they love. I am not calling it Selfishness; it’s rather to be called self-love-ness.
I think most of the youth today; have come across such an incidence at least once in their life. Someone shows too much of involvement in you. They may say I miss you, even if they dint talk to you for 2 days. They may keep on saying I love you / I like you and all such flattering words. But because of some small reasons this love may stop all of a sudden, it can be because both of them are busy, or may be because one of them got busy. Is this true love? No its not, they actually love themselves. One of my best friends told me that I am keeping in touch with her these days frequently as I am all alone here and is not that busy with life. I gave a thought on it. And found out that there was some truth in it. I admit my mistake and am apologising for that. But then inside me also I found the waves of self-love-ness.

How can anyone get rid of this self-love-ness? Or can anyone ever do it? At least has anyone done it?

These are some facts of human life, which cannot be changed so easily. Being a normal human being I can’t comment on when a human can get rid of SELF LOVE!


  1. Guess what I was thinking abt this for sometime.....and was planning to write a post in my blog....gud post anoop :)

  2. I agree to Suresh. This is indeed good but its kind of topic ended soon... knowing you i have no doubts that you can improve this one in particular like your other blogs.. Vicky

  3. Its rather a confusing topic to discuss....people can easily get diverted from the reality, coz everybody wants and expects to hear it the wrong way and so do we.

    But in the real world most people like to be loved by someone very much and that feeling is stronger than their self love, no matter its dad, mom, wife, lover...

    Its good to distinguish Loving ourselves(for no reason) and Feelings of happiness when you are being loved. Both has different emotions, situations and reality...

    Very sad to say people in this era are becoming more and more into self love and selfishness, now its in our mind, tomorrow we may keep speaking and doing things for only ourselves and our happiness...well the whole world has changed already...

    I feel dat these should be rather kept as within our heart rather dan to speak to others about our self love.

  4. You are wrong! you are just materialistic. Man it is not so with all. I personally know men and women who just ruined their life to see their loved one happy. And there is lot of people who loves others with full knowledge that their loved one will never love them back And still they are keep loving, they love and just getting hates and ignorance back. You cannot understand how beautiful the word love is!
